Put It In Neutral Bouquet
Preserved bougainvillea, white pampas, natural and black phalaris grasses make a chic and cute bouquet perfect for any space. Stems can be cut and customized to fit your vase.
*Vase not included.
Preserved bougainvillea, white pampas, natural and black phalaris grasses make a chic and cute bouquet perfect for any space. Stems can be cut and customized to fit your vase.
*Vase not included.
Preserved bougainvillea, white pampas, natural and black phalaris grasses make a chic and cute bouquet perfect for any space. Stems can be cut and customized to fit your vase.
*Vase not included.
Dried flowers will last indefinitely if properly cared for. Keep these beauties out of direct sunlight and in a cool/dry area. And they’re never thirsty – so no watering needed. Ever.