Lucky In Love Bouquet
Roll the dice and go all in with this red bouquet. This flashy and bold arrangement couples preserved hydrangeas with red and hot pink roses, complete with pearl studded hearts to dazzle. So throw caution to the wind - but not to this bouquet.
Roll the dice and go all in with this red bouquet. This flashy and bold arrangement couples preserved hydrangeas with red and hot pink roses, complete with pearl studded hearts to dazzle. So throw caution to the wind - but not to this bouquet.
Roll the dice and go all in with this red bouquet. This flashy and bold arrangement couples preserved hydrangeas with red and hot pink roses, complete with pearl studded hearts to dazzle. So throw caution to the wind - but not to this bouquet.
Dried flowers will last indefinitely if properly cared for. Keep these beauties out of direct sunlight and in a cool/dry area. And they’re never thirsty – so no watering needed. Ever.