Cosmic Connection Bouquet
This bouquet is meant for those with an outta this world kinda love. The universe spins a magical collection of dried bougainvillaea and cape flowers while artificial poppies and calla lilies orbit around the brightest star - a preserved pink rose adorned with iridescent bows.
This bouquet is meant for those with an outta this world kinda love. The universe spins a magical collection of dried bougainvillaea and cape flowers while artificial poppies and calla lilies orbit around the brightest star - a preserved pink rose adorned with iridescent bows.
This bouquet is meant for those with an outta this world kinda love. The universe spins a magical collection of dried bougainvillaea and cape flowers while artificial poppies and calla lilies orbit around the brightest star - a preserved pink rose adorned with iridescent bows.
Dried flowers will last indefinitely if properly cared for. Keep these beauties out of direct sunlight and in a cool/dry area. And they’re never thirsty – so no watering needed. Ever.